Sunday, October 01, 2006

Franz Ferdinand: The New Monkees/Beatles

I've always been one for the old 1960s pop band tv/movies. Help and A Hard Day's Night are classics in my mind and who didn't enjoy the brief Monkees revival of 1994? While watching the free dvd that I got with my new copy of Franz's album "You Could Have It So Much Better" (which I unfortunately left behind in London), I was struck with how Franz would be the perfect band to revive this trend. Not only are they nattily dressed and make kick ass music, as a group they have that sense of whimsy and fun about them. Plus stylistically I suppose they are a bit of a throwback to the 1960s anyway. There are a couple of cool little scenes on the dvd where they are racing around on bicycles and throwing axes at Alex and suchlike.

So I’m holding out hope for an upcoming Franz movie sometime in the future. Although perhaps I shouldn’t hold my breath on that one.

They'll be the Beatles of course, since they are actually talented.

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