Sunday, November 12, 2006

Step back in time

Some of you may already know of my increasing interest in Astrology. Not just your cheesy weekly sun sign horoscopes, mind, but the in depth birth chart stuff. I'm sure you're all thinking bollocks but bear with me.

Anyways Mercury is currently retrograde (going backwards) in my 11th house of friendship. Usually Mercury going retrograde causes all sorts of hassles, snarl ups and problems but unusually for me (and most other Capricorns) this time around having it transit through my 11th house can indicate that old friends and aquaintences pop back into my life at this time. And sure enough since the retrograde period started two weeks ago, people I haven't seen in years (and for the months since I've been back) have been popping out of the wood work. Bumping into my ex at the dairy yesterday just confirmed it for me. There's still one week left before Mercury goes forward again, I wonder who else I will run into before then.

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