Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year (oh and Merry Christmas too)!

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Years. It's been a well travelled holiday season for me this year. I've only been in Auckland one night in the last week and a half. Phew. It feels like ages since we finished up at work. We travelled down to Wellington on Christmas Eve Eve (Saturday) for the biannual Scott Family gathering and also managed to catch up with Mum's side of the family. After being away for a couple of years there was a bit of catching up to do and it was great to see everyone. We stayed in Welly until Friday then Kat and I did the marathon 8 hour back up to Auckland. Then the next day we did another 4 hour drive up to Oakura Bay so we could go camping with Kat's friends (and the old Kelston boys crew) for New Years. I haven't been camping for years and don't have very fond memories but it proved to be a fun and chilled out couple of days. And I didn't even mind having to use the smelly long drop. Too much. Also I think it was the first New Years Eve (or any other evening) I've spent wearing gumboots. So glamorous.

Anyhoo here's some pics from our new years eve antics. There's none of me in gumboots, (un)fortunately..

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