Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I've just been amusing myself with reading this recap of the classic Melrose Place episode where Kimberly rips off her wig. I forgot how brilliantly trashy this show was.

He turns on the lights and illuminates...KIMBERLY. "Nice to see you again, Michael," she sort of smilingly hisses. He is stunned. As you would be, if the woman you loved whom you thought you accidentally killed in a drunk-driving accident turned up in your living room and acted like she'd been at a spa for the weekend. "Kim? Um? Is...?'s really you?" he stammers. "Maybe. OR MAYBE YOU'RE GOING CRAZY," Kimberly laughs. That is so awesome. I'm going to start saying that to people when they ask me things at the office.

The best thing about Desperate Housewives, I think, is that it's practically a Melrose Place reunion what with Kimberly aka Bree and Gay Matt (seriously cannot see him as a hetrosexual husband with kids). I'm always waiting for Bree to finally loose it and rip off her wig.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm affraid you're just going to have to change again petal, the display on this computer doesn't like your new scheme at all. Remember, usability is important! Who's an online marketing geek then uh?